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The Editor's Nachos

The editor is what I also consider the co-founder of the blog since he was the one that picked the domain for the nacho blog so that we could have He is also a big part of  Nacho Blog being on Instagram now ( and comes to most of the tastings of the great and maybe not so great plates of nachos. There are times, however, where he cooks a great plate of homemade nachos and I have collected some pictures over the years. 

Big shoutout to him as editing is a big job to do and he has done it for 100+ entries now.

Editor's Nachos - July 2024

The Editor's Nachos - February 2024

The Editor's Nachos - May 2023

The editor's nachos - April 2023
Editor's Nachos - October 2022

The Editor's Nachos - July 2022

Photographer's Nachos - November 2021

Photographer's nachos Feb 2021

My photographer's nachos- August 2019

My photographer's nachos- August 2019

My photographer's nachos- December 2019

Photographer's bacon nachos- April 2020

He has added spice to the chips many times and always has perfect distribution of toppings with mountains and mountains of cheese on each chip so that we are not left with any bare chips at any point during the nacho experience. 

I am told that I need to try certain restaurants in Saint John but I have a hard time thinking that many places can top the editor's nachos. I told him this and he said that the restaurants are missing the secret ingredient that goes with home made nachos and that ingredient is love.

Nacho Blog Rating (homemade): A++